"Now I'm going to make it blurry on purpose..."

The week passes by so slowly day to day when you only work a couple days a week. Even though I have more free time during the middle of the week I tend to feel the most productive on the weekends. Last weekend for instance I got quite a few things off my to-do list done (even with the whole Bart strike going on).

I finally scheduled my boyfriend's (second ever) annual eye exam with one of my best friends who happens to be in clinic now. She's only doing primary care exams at the moment so unfortunately I can't schedule myself with her yet. Luckily I'm not due for mine for another couple months anyways, and by then hopefully she'll be in the contact lens clinic as well. It was nicer having the student clinician be someone I know since she allowed me to observe and look through the teaching tube. Even though I've shadowed quite a few optometrists it's not the same without the appropriate equipment available. It's pretty darn cool when you can see exactly what they're seeing in the microscope and the BIO (which was tricky to get used to. Another student clinician friend of mine came in to help me where to look since getting the right angle to see the mirrors are more difficult than it looked...). Overall a great experience! I got to see my boyfriend's optic nerve, observe how scleral indent is done and why, and basically be annoying and ask a ton of questions.

On top of that we caught up on a bunch of tv shows, ran errands, and got some studying in. All in all a very productive weekend. (And I don't know why but recently I've been craving such unhealthy food. I rarely eat burgers but I had that and a whole serving of fries too. You would think that would have satisfied my cravings but today I'm in the mood for chili cheese fries...).

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1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post...I like your blog.^^
    Maybe follow each other on bloglovin?
    Let me know follow you then back.
    Lovely greets Nessa


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